Toontjie 4km - 14 October 2017

Toontjie 4km - 14 October 2017
Alfie's first medal

Thursday 2 August 2012

Another week of...

The power went off a few nights ago, so we sat playing trivial pursuit on my iphone with a few candles lit around us.  It was too windy to light the real fire, so we put the gas fire on.  All the animals came and sat with us, both dogs asleep on the floor, one cat in the dog bed and Chilli, the other cat on the coffee table next to the candle.  After a few minutes, we could smell a burning smell, like hair scorching, and noticed that Chilli had jumped off the coffee table and was sitting underneath it.  She had sat too close to the candle and had singed her fur!  She didn't seem too concerned though, and it all looked fine when the lights came back on a couple of hours later - she just smelled a bit scorched!

The next day, I had been preparing some watercolour paints in the paint pallet for my next 'work of art'!  Chilli came and jumped up beside me and walked straight through the red paint! She ran right across the desk, jumped on to the cream carpet and ran out of the room.  Steve caught her and she had a quick foot bath in the kitchen sink although she still managed to get some red paint all over the kitchen floor.  She was chucked outside with the door closed, where she sat and washed her foot all over again in typical cat fashion.

I have done a couple of runs this week, and after my 13 kms on Sunday, I have since done another 7 kms on Wednesday and 5kms this morning.  The 7kms on Wednesday was done tempo style in a bid to improve my speed.  It was extremely hard work as the wind was very strong.  Felt good afterwards though.

This morning was a gentle plod around the village, stopping off to watch the new resident of Pearly Beach being installed - a Southern Right Whale!

Dentist visit tomorrow afternoon so may just throw in another short run to 'prepare' myself!

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